Brightside Advocacy works with our community partners such as the Juvenile Court and the Department of Family & Children Services (DFCS) to ensure that children who have experienced abuse or neglect have their needs met. We want each child to know they are not alone and there is a team of adults working behind them. For this reason, we are often in need of the following items:
- Full-size toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, deodorant, and female hygiene products.
- Large duffle bags or gift cards for suitcases for children when they come into care. Due to limited space, we prefer gift cards or foldable duffle bags.
- Gift cards for sporting goods stores, Walmart, Target, etc. to assist with clothing/shoes for athletic participation
- Multi-racial books for all ages. Child & adult coloring books. Fidget spinners/poppers.
Brightside helps meet the needs of children entering foster care. Help us to provide children with suitcases, personal hygiene items, books, and more by purchasing something from our Amazon wishlist. Your donation will help ensure that each child in foster care has the items that every child needs and deserves.
Donate to good will - support CASASavannah/Chatham CASA is now a partner with The Goodwill of Southeast Georgia. In order to provide more resources to the children we serve and their families, the Goodwill will provide CASA with a Goodwill Shopping Voucher for any donations referred to them. All you need to do is make a donation to Goodwill and provide the below referral form.